Monday, October 15, 2007

At CPC each Sunday at 9:45:

GENESIS (led by Stephen Hiemstra)

Have you ever wondered why God created the universe or whether God has a sense of humor or, maybe, who has the most dysfunctional family of all time? If these questions are the least bit interesting to you (or not!), please join us this fall for a study of the Book of Genesis.

Genesis means origin. In the Book of Genesis, we learn about the origins of the universe, of sin, and of the nation of Israel. But, Genesis is about relationships with God, with our brothers and sisters, and with our neighbors. In Genesis, God is sovereign and providential. The foundation provided by Genesis is widely cited in the New Testament and provides insight into the person of Jesus Christ and his ministry on earth.

This study will begin in October and end with Easter—about 20 weeks. The format will be a mixture of reading, discussion, and lecture. There are no assigned readings outside class, but those interested in a study guide, might use Jeffrey Enoch Feinberg’s, Walk Genesis! A Messianic Jewish Devotional Commentary. Notes for the class will be posted on the web at:

REFORMATION OVERVIEW (led by Neil Craigan)

Based on the Gateway Films/Vision Video church history film series, these six half-hour programs vividly bring to life the Reformation, its colorful leaders, and history-shaping turning points. Learn how John Wycliffe, John Hus, Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, William Tyndale and Anabaptists shaped what we believe.

THE INVISIBLE WAR (led by Christine Sullivan)

If Christ was victorious on the cross, why is life still such a struggle? God’s enemy, therefore our enemy, comes as a lying thief to steal, kill and destroy; and we are his targets! This eight-part DVD series by Chip Ingram, President of Walk Thru the Bible, exposes the enemy’s schemes and strategies and prepares us with God’s “spiritual armor” to stand firm and be victorious.

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